Wednesday, May 14, 2008

May 2-4

Today was another interesting day that held yet another conversation revolving around which city is supeior: Toronto or Montreal.

This debate is one I have yet to find an answer to. Yes, I have -416- tattooed on my lip, which anyone would view as concrete dedication to the city I grew up in.

Yet, when I open my closet hockey jerseys and assorted Montreal paraphernalia pop out. Which, ok, I get, is pretty superficial but I can honestly say I don't own one article of clothing that has TO repping on it.

The biggest thing that comes to mind is the fact that I left a guy I loved behind in TO to live in Montreal, a city that I claimed I fell in love with.

Montreal is a place that I call home. There is no doubt in my mind about that. There hasn't been since I made the move and set up shop here. But as Uni comes to an end, I find myself thinking more and more, "Where am I going to end up?"

This weekend, it is TO. I can't quite figure out why Montrealers don't celebrate May 2-4. They find any other excuse to drink, why not take advantage of this one too? Disappointment ran through my body May 2006 when I first realized that it was not going to happen that year.

So, while I may not have quite figured out whether I will choose MTL or TO I know that this weekend I will be pretty content having a beer with my bros from the hood.

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