Friday night I made plans with my friend Kelly that I almost forgot about. I am really glad that I didn't because it ended up being the most fun I had all weekend. We don't get to drink together too often, which in my opinion, makes our friendship especially strong and makes her a great influence on me, but this was one of those few times where she wasn't driving and didn't have to work TOO early. (She has been cleaning pools and up at FIVE all summer, so the ten am on Saturday seemed like sleeping in to her I guess.)
We ended up at a bar in the beaches, partying with a whole bunch of people I worked with last summer. I didn't leave on the best of terms with some of them and it was nice to catch up and hear how they were all doing. They aren't close friends so it was nice to be out with a more relaxed group of girls. Kels got a little tipsy, we danced a bunch at her work and then headed home.
Saturday was a touch more dramatic. All of these events pertain to something I have been hypothesizing for a few years now, so I am going to tell you everything and then get to the point!
My very good friend encountered a crazy ex from a guy she is really into. The crazy hacked my friends new beau's email account and read a bunch of emails. Then, she made up a fake facebook account, pretended to know my bud, and asked her a bunch of questions. Needless to say, this sketchy behavior has left my friend skeptical of this guy and the types of women that he attracts. I can't say I blame her in the least. The worst part about wasn't the crazy ex; we understand he can't control that, but the fact that he was torn between which girl he should be with. Crazy, or not so crazy! Is there even a decision? He also failed to mention to my girl that he was still in touch with his ex to the point of referring to her as a "best friend".
Now I am not one to enjoy drama. Yet it comes with life at this age, especially with one that involves sex, booze and partying, all of which I partake in. But this Saturday was a special one. On top of consoling my friend through her guy issues, another friend we were with ran into her very recent ex and ANOTHER one got invited to a bar, which we all tagged along to, only to find that the guy that invited her had his ex EX girlfriend clinging to him all night.
Now I have to say this: i am VERY proud to say that my friend that got invited to this bar, came and stayed and kept her cool. I don;t think I would have been so dignified. OH yeah, in fact I wasn't. At one point, this guy's ex made him cry in the bar ( I think, I was drunk) but I made a very clear point of laughing and saying "way to cry fag. look at the fag, he's crying" many many many times. Oops, not one of my most suave moments that is for sure.
After we ended up back at the girls house and I headed home thinking that the night was over, much to my chagrin, it was far from it. My very first friend that had to deal with the crazy ex came home to a flurry of text messages sent from a guy she had been previously seeing casually, months ago. He claims to have been accosted by one of our other "girlfriends" who then proceeded to anonymously tell him to "stay away from ______, she is bad news, etc", airing dirty laundry that, in reality, she knows nothing about.
THE DRAMA PEOPLE:The hypothesis!
The people that gossip this much, that are this crazy and care this much about other people's business have me thinking two things. One, they are jealous. No doubt. Two, that they will always, always be this way, no matter how old they are or how much things change.
Over the years of being back and forth in Toronto and Montreal, I have made many new friends, lost friends and I can honestly say that the only friends that will try and pull shit like this are the ones you have the most history with. Why it happens, I can't be sure. What possesses someone to go to the extent that any one of the second party women in question went to, is beyond me. But it has me intrigued and thinking hard about how I appear to others, my friends and men.
I will let you know on the conclusion I come too about myself. I am not crazy and I don't care as much as these crazies do; especially when it comes to contacting an unassuming third party. But, I know that I have feelings that get hurt and I can't always detach myself from sex and emotion, the way I may have been able to when I didn't really understand the gravity of what sex means with someone you care about.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Hipster Musings
A little while ago I finished reading a pretty decent book called "Dear Diary" by Leslie Arfin. It was pretty funny and honest. It was about some excerpts Leslie had found from her own diaries over the past 15 years and her thoughts and comments on them now. I think the thing I enjoyed most about this idea was that I was able to relate to not only the content, but watching her evolve as a writer too.
In the book she mentions a whole bunch of shit about the guys from Vice and how it all came to be.
It made me realize that I wasn't all to clear on the idea the magazine presented to people before I read it and wrote for them. It was a pretty different publication back then.
TO this day people are still regarding Gavin, who left the mag and started his own thing, "Street Boners" which is a whole website dedicated to do's and don'ts, as one of the originators of "Hipsterdom".
I read an amazing article he references, another bloggers much more coherent ideas on the topic. Enjoy!!!
In the book she mentions a whole bunch of shit about the guys from Vice and how it all came to be.
It made me realize that I wasn't all to clear on the idea the magazine presented to people before I read it and wrote for them. It was a pretty different publication back then.
TO this day people are still regarding Gavin, who left the mag and started his own thing, "Street Boners" which is a whole website dedicated to do's and don'ts, as one of the originators of "Hipsterdom".
I read an amazing article he references, another bloggers much more coherent ideas on the topic. Enjoy!!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Girls and Smith Western
This is an amazing video I found online by photographer Ryan McGinley. It reminds me of my past few years doing the concert thing in MTL. It was kind of a whole new experience in the world of music and concerts for me. I started going to shows with less floor punching and screaming and traded em in for really tight pants and PBR.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Not only do I like those other red shoes but I LOVE these Vans. Along with my NYR (New Years Resolution) not to buy shoes for a year, I have decided to extend that to "No shoes with laces" for at least TWO years, since I managed to fill 3, 60L plastic Tupperware containers with sneaks when I drove home from MTL.
BUT if I could buy shoes, I would buy these gems.
BUT if I could buy shoes, I would buy these gems.

Shoes Shoes Shoes Boos!

Guess Who Wants These? Your favorite insane blogger, ME! Who says these are guys shoes anyhow? Nutter butters.
This weekend was a long one with very little planned. I was supposed to end up in Mont REAL but ended up staying in Toronto. Boo Hoo, but what's a girl to do? Ended up hanging out with some wicked kiddies at the Science Centre where we saw the new Harry Potter exhibition. It was neat but I didn't get to buy a wand like I wanted. The last one left was $80. INSANE.
Sunday I went shopping with my mum and it was completely insane because of back-to-school and the long weekend. The lines were batty and the sales weren't really worth it so we bailed pretty fast and went to the CNE. Again, WAY too many people so I bailed pretty fast. Ate some food that wasn't so good for me and enjoyed every second of it. But all in all, I was just too anxious for crowds like that.
A few years ago I went through a terrible bout of anxiety attacks, which turned into an uphill battle with anti depressants and anxiety meds. In the end, i'm not sure the meds were at all necessary but at the time I don't really know how I would have coped without them. Being at the Ex with all those people brought back memories of anxiety attacks and the traumatic freak outs that came with them.
Monday was girl date day, where I went shopping and destroyed my bank account slightly. Posts with many pictures of all the fun, non-traumatic adventures will come in posts to follow.
Harry Potter
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